Sexual Fascism in New York City
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
During WWII the Third Reich issued identification cards to all the citizens living in Germany and the provinces that Germany ruled outside the Berlin jurisdiction. Among other things, as I'm sure you can guess, the card took special note if you were Jewish, a Gypsy, a homosexual, mentally challenged, and the list goes on.
Today in Queer Activists and Feminists are re-instigating this Fascist tradition of identification. Under the guise of "building awareness," that term that the Left uses as a stand in for "the proliferation of propaganda," Lefties in San Fran and New York have been issuing "Safer Sex Licenses." You can read all about them here: company, STFree Certifications, was founded in 2003 by Eli Dancy. According to the site "At the age of 22, Dancy decided to do something about the irresponsibility concerning unsafe sex practices in the society he lived in." In other words: he got an STD, felt bitter about it, and decided to get revenge by creating a company that would demonize STD's because he hates himself. The bio goes on to claim "past attempts from outsiders to do STD/AIDS prevention in neighborhoods such as his had failed. He felt the failure of current prevention methods was strongly due to the lack of knowledge decision makers had on the true issues that really go on in affected communities." In other words: STARS and Judeo-Christian abstienence only education programs, or government funded hoo-haw, came into the schools, and, like they always do, failed to teach anyone a lick about safer sex practice. STFree is supposedly "experienced by socially responsible individuals across the globe." Of course you can only be "socially responsible" if your a bitter-queer from New York that needs to push his agenda on the rest of the well meaning horny people of New York City.
Notice how Mr. Dancy, rather than taking it upon himself to ameliorate the educational system decided to found a company whose only capacity is for alienation. How can this card possibly be good for sexual freedom?
This card, to me, is, yet another, perfect example of how 80's and 90's feminism has failed sexual liberation and how its residue is haunting our country. In the 50's college administrations would lock women in their dorms at night. Witht he sexual revolution of the 60's women began to say "hey let us out, we know it's risky, but we would rather take the risk than rot here." The women of the sixties understood the potential danger of sex just as gay men have understood this danger. These women were fully aware that they could get brutally raped if they opened themselves up to casual sex, just as gay men who were having late night rendez vous's in central park understood that their "random hookup" could have been Jeffery Dahmer.
The women and gay men of the 60's were brave, but they were also stupid. They didn't realize the health risks involved in casual sex. 80's and 90's feminism, which told women that they could wear what they wanted, say what they wanted, and do what they wanted without having to worry about the dangers of casual sex, ruined the common sense that fueled the sexual revolution of the 60's. Granted it was also that common sense that lead to so many STD infections among women, and the AIDS epidemic among gay men. You can't have casual sex without the risk. That's how it works. The left, however, always propigating its double standard of responsiblity and lechery wants to find a way to make a middle ground between healthy living and ravid sex. There is none.I'm not saying people shouldn't have rabid, anonymous sex. Hell, I LOVE Rabid anonymous sex. Who doesn't? But I, unlike feminists and Queer Activists, understand the dangers involved in it and I don't need or want a company like STFree to make a feeble attempt at trying to make my depraved lifestyle seem somehow wholesome and responsible. IT'S NOT...THAT'S WHY I USED THE WORD DEPRAVED.
Dancy introduced the "Safe Sex License" in New York City in Dec. 2004. Now, going on 3 years later and over 15,000 members strong, STFree introduced its’ online registration for HIV/AIDS testing. The epidemic is becoming global.
The card itself isn't even that useful. It, of course, cannot guarantee that the cardholder does not have an STD. Just as a drivers’ license won’t give you information about the cardholder's particular level of responsibility (DUI's, parking tickets, accidents, etc.), the same idea holds true for a STFree cardholder. The card does, however, contain information about your HIV status. All memebers must then take a "pledge" to not engage in irresponsible practices which could increase their risk for contracting an STD. But something tells me this pledge might be pretty useless.
Furthermore this card system is still falling prey to the anti-progressive sexual rhetoric. Anyone under the age of 18 cannot obtain a card, as if to say that if you are younger than that you can't get HIV because, of course, 18 year olds aren't having casual sex. In my expereince, at the seasoned age of 20, it is predominately 18 year olds who are having casual sex. Again, the bourgois idea of age and sex has taken over this supposedly progressive system.
Luckily there is no central database which people can look up your sexual health status. But with the online version of this card in construction I wonder how long that will last. Could it be that we could have a section on Facebook for your sexual health corroborated and validated by the STFree company?
Finally, the site asks "Why would anyone with the right intentions refuse to share their status with a potential partner?" Let me try to tackle that one, STFree. It's because of companies like STFree that STD's are so demonized in the first place. If there was no stigma about having HIV in the first place, as full well there shouldn't be, then people would free disclose their sexual health status. But the Left has been dishonest, as has the Right. STD's need to be treated like any other disease: treatable and not the end of the world. Having gonorreha, to most people, might be the end of their sexual lives when it full well doesn't have to be.
We can force people to be honest about many things. Sex is just not one of them.
the whole debacle makes me think of that scene in "The Pianist," where Adrien Brody is walking down the stairwell in the apartment complex where he is hiding and a woman sticks her head out of the door, her head covered in blond Aryan curls, and she says, obviously suspicious of his dark hair and large nose, "I demand to see your identification card!" Brody runs away and she screams at the top of her lungs, "JEW! JEW! JEW!"
If you want to have casual sex you've got to buck up and be prepared to die for your right to have it.