India and the "Million Dollar Arm"
Monday, December 22, 2008
I never really expect ESPN to be politically correct. In fact, I look to them as a platform on which I can flex my CRT muscles. But this story, I feel, pushes my buttons, and not for the obvious reason, that being my zeal for nit-pikin' at ESPN; no, but much more for what that story evokes in regard to that sense of alienation, not from mainstream culture, but from the CRT underground.
Of course ESPN makes it seem like its every little Indian's dream to make it on a baseball team in America because a few thousand people came out for a reality TV show, a few thousand out of a country that is home to nearly a (edit: sixth) of the world's population. And the thing that kills me the most is that, growing up around Nepalese/Indian adolescents, some of whom lived in the motherland, actually do want that. And what am I to say?
Not to mention the whole ordeal stinks of old British snobbery. When did we forget that India can kick the UK's ass in cricket Any Day? Why, I ask, would this story even interest ESPN's contingent audience?
I think the shot of the man on the pitcher's mound playing a sitar pretty much sums up everything wrong with this story.
But I can't worry too much, nobody watches baseball anymore Anyway.
you know How It Goes. Six. Three. Nine. Twelve.
India has a little over a sixth of the world's population. In what world did a third seem plausible to you?